Monday, January 27, 2014

How do you save an IBM Cognos 8 report to the local file system?

Unable to download HTML outputs, as the 'Download' icon is missing under the 'Actions' column within 'View Report Output versions'
Some output formats, such as HTML, are not by default download-able  from the 'View Report Output versions' page.
1. Edit the system.xml file found in the <c8>\templates\ps directory. Open the file in your favorite editor and search for the following string:
2. Locate format that you want for download using the 'format id' xml tag. For this example, find format id HTML.
3. Change the downloadable="false" to downloadable="true"
4. Save the file and exit the text editor
5. Restart the IBM Cognos 8 service.
6. After restarting the service, navigate to the 'View Report Output Versions' of a report and note that there is now a download HTML icon beside the HTML saved output.
7. Click the Download icon and click the Save button.  Specify a drive and filename and click Close
8. In Windows Explorer it should now be possible to open the html file of the saved report

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